Fall Family Photos Boise Idaho // Mathie Family

I LOVE FALL!!! The cooler days, with sweaters and scarfs, boots and hats. The colors begin to change and with that comes all my favorite clients and their families. Here is one of my past bride and groom clients. They have a sweet little boy who will be 5 months just a few days from their 4 year wedding anniversary. I couldn't be more happy for them!!!

Kenna // High School Senior Photographer

Fall senior sessions are my favorite! The colors are so beautiful and of course its scarf and boot weather, and who doesn't love that? Kenna and her mom had me laughing the whole session. She has such a beautiful heart and sunshine beams from her. This is by far one of my favorite sessions. She mentioned she loved animals so when we ran into a very friendly kitty and chickens, she was right at home. Here are some of her faves from our session. Makeup by the talented Delilah Gutierrez.